Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rage Against Machines!

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a funny friend that made a parody of the group, "Rage Against the Machine" by calling them "Rage Against Machines". That funny friend's comment has stuck with me all these years later. (Does anyone ever talk to Siri?)

The one machine at my house that I want to rage against is my Weed Eater. You may recall previous posts about my ineptness at yard work. I'm trying to find creative ways to do away with my need to weed eat. So far, RoundUp is looking like a good option. Or maybe gasoline and a match.


Anonymous said...

Options ----

1. Scissors to individually trim the offending weeds.

2. Outsource your pain to someone who you pay to worry about it.

3. Proclaim your yard as a nature preserve and laugh at the notices you get from Code Enforcement. This may require assistance from the Wildlife Federation, but it's worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

get a goat

Mercy's Maid said...

I would LOVE to have a goat. They're so cute, even with their weird little eyes. I've actually mentioned that before, but I think I would have to move out of the city limits...unless I could incorporate it into the nature preserve idea.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Actually, I want a sheep.

And bad news, but Round Up has been found to be leeching into ground water. Maybe there's an organic alternative?