I used to kind of like Hob Lob, then about a year or two ago, they rearranged the store. There are NO signs to help me find what I'm looking for. It's ridiculous. I can't find anything unless I stalk an employee and ask then to escort me to the appropriate section. Today I went in to get a few simple items: finishing spray for an oil painting, rope of some sort, stencils, and a bandana. I found the spray on my own (mostly because I already knew where the paints were and figured it would be in that area). I had to ask for help to find the stencils. Then, I went to the fabric section looking for the rope because I thought they might have something like that in the area where they cut ribbon to certain lengths. They didn't have it there, but when I asked the lady where it was, she said, "It's in crafts." Thank you for the crapulous description of where I should find a virtual needle in a haystack. The whole freakin' store is "crafts". Even if there was a super secret craft section, there are NO SIGNS indicating what the different sections are called. By that point, I was slightly livid, but I ventured to the back of the store and wandered down all of the aisles until I found another employee and asked for more detailed help. She took me to the rope. I barely refrained from hanging myself with it.
By that point, I had given up on the bandana, but luckily, there was one at the register as I left. Do people really buy bandanas on impulse? I thought the impulse buy section was supposed to be filled with candy and magazines.
Here's what kills me about Hobby Lobby:
They are a fairly major retail corporation, with stores nationwide, and yet the have the crappiest receipt system I have ever seen. Have you ever tried to return anything there? Holy crap. You have your little white receipt that's not even itemized, and then your signature receipt (if you used a card) with nothing but the total on it. I liken it to the multi-million dollar company I work for that still has a DOS based accounting system. Ridiculous.
Yes! But I did notice today that they had updated their whole cash register system. There was a little "you swipe it" thingy for my credit card, and there weren't any yellow carbon copy receipts this time. Maybe they're moving into this century.
But alas it's the only craft store in town, so I don't really have a choice but to shop there.
Sadly most retail places are like that now unless they get commission.
Hobby Lobby is the only real craft store here too. I usually like ours, but one thing that bugs the crap outta me- their full page ad is in Sunday's paper. AND THEY ARE CLOSED on Sunday. Now, I have no problems with a store being closed on Sunday, but geez. Put your ad in Saturday's paper! How much business do they lose from people who read it on Sunday and would run out to shop if only the store were open? But instead they have to wait, and then the impulse passes.
Or maybe it's just me.
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