Monday, July 24, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Monday of the Week

Work has been busy. My peeps buried me with tons of adhoc junk today. I'm pretty sure it's a psychological experiment, so I'm trying to stay strong.

I've also got to come up with some accomplishments for my annual review junk this week. I'm not sure that any of my accomplishments have anything to do with work, but it'd be fun to put in totally random ones like: Learned to snorkel! Painted some pictures!, Was nice to even the most disagreeable coworkers!, etc. We'll see what I can BS about later this week.

I've only gotten 2 official "failure" auto-notices today, so that's good. Maybe that can be an accomplishment. I don't know why they phrased that so negatively. The notes could say, "Your job did not succeed. Please try again." But instead they say, "Your job ended in FAILURE!" It's hard not to take it as a personal affront.

Tonight is Tammi's shower. I hope the cheesecake I made is worth eating. It actually set up and looks normal, so keep your fingers crossed that it's edible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
