Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Last night I went to a little get-together and imagine my surprise when people started suggesting games we could play and someone brought out a bunch of packs of cards and said, "We could play nertz."

The problem with playing nertz with strangers, though, is that other people don't play it right and aren't nearly serious enough about it. We were playing nertz on a dining table (with the leaves in) with about 6 or 7 people. The most seasoned nertz players know that playing on a table is problematic because cards have a tendency to fly across the table and onto the floor. Also, on a table that long, you can't reach the stacks farthest away. A courteous nertz player won't throw his/her cards toward the end of the table and expect the person sitting on that side of the table to stop playing her own cards to straighten up his/her mess. I almost developed a nervous tick.

Other than that, it was fun.


NNA said...

If you like to play Nertz visit . There is a bunch of Nertz information there.

Mercy's Maid said...

Who knew there was a National Nertz Association? That's interesting.