Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Chick-Fil-A: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

1. I love your #5 with an 8 pack and a sweet tea for $5.28.
2. I love your #1 with no pickles and a sweet tea for $5.28.
3. I love your friendly employees who always say, "My pleasure!"
4. I love your close proximity to my place of employment.
5. I love the way you make my butt get bigger...oh wait no I don't!

How long has it been since I've been to Chicky? Well, I haven't been since I've come back from thanksgiving, so I'd say it's been 7-8 days since I've been. I'm going to remedy that at lunch today. I really need to try to curb my fast food eating because it gets really expensive after awhile, but Chicky is hard to turn down.

I've also got to go to Target at lunch to buy a baby gift (I think we're having a baby boom at work) and maybe pick up a couple of quick Christmas presents.

I've gotten a lot of my Christmas shopping done, but I still have a few left.

OOH they just posted more angel tree kids, so I adopted one of them. Yay!

On another note, I'm missing a pair of boots! I have no idea where they could be. I can find my very tall black boots and my black shoes, but my not-as-tall black boots are missing. This is very upsetting but I'm sure they'll turn up. Maybe they're in the trunk of my car. I haven't checked there. That's not a likely place for shoes to turn up for most people, but you never know with me!

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