Sunday, November 13, 2005

Captivating Chapter 12: An Irreplaceable Role

This chapter talked about the unique role women are given as an ezer (helper or lifesaver) and how the world needs ezers.

It talks about how women have a gift of keeping relationships a priority. Interestingly enough, it reminded me that I don't do the best job of this sometimes. I'm going to call one of my friends as soon as I get finished writing this. It's not that I don't love my friends, it's just that life gets in the way sometimes (and it really shouldn't).

It also talks about the role of women within the Body of Christ. It brought up an interesting point about how a lot of the rules about women's roles in the church were designed that way as a protection for women. They didn't really back this up with scripture, so I'm not sure how biblical the idea is, but the idea is that the rule about women not having ultimate authority in the church is for the woman's own protection against spiritual attacks. I personally figure the rules probably had a lot to do with the culture of the day. Women were treated like property, so why would they be allowed authority in the church? It would go against all common sense. I should make it clear that I'm fine with typical rules for women in leadership. I'm just not sure about their reasoning b/c they really didn't offer any scriptual proof for their viewpoint.

It tells us to pay attention to what's written on our hearts (those things we're passionate about) because that probably will give us some clue as to what our God-given role is.

It reminds us not to be afraid. In this fallen world, we will be disappointed. We will get hurt when we make ourselves vulnerable. Jesus felt the same thing...he made himself vulnerable and ended up getting mocked, ridiculed, and killed. But he knew it was worth it.

It reminds us to be present--to be ourselves.

You are a woman. An image bearer of God. The Crown of
Creation. You were chosen before time and space, and you are wholly and dearly loved. You are sought after, pursued, romanced, the passionate desire of your Fiance, Jesus. You are dangerous in your beauty and your life-giving power. And you are needed. Page 217.

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