Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Things I wish someone would invent...

01. Cell phones that don't go dead. Ever.
02. Shower curtains that don't get moldy. Ever.
03. A roof for my cube at work so the air vents would be blocked.
04. Jeans that fit me right.
05. Home liposuction kits (yes, plural. In the event that it's impossible to create jeans that fit me right).
06. Laser hair removal that's free and works in one appointment.
07. A way to permanently dye one's skin so that one doesn't have to worry about tanning (think reverse Michael Jackson).
08. A diet coke that tastes like real coke but doesn't have any calories.
09. Hair color that REALLY doesn't fade.
10. Chocolate that's good for you...that you can eat all day and not get fat from eating.

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