Monday, August 29, 2005

Happy Birthday Keith!

Not that he reads this. Not that anybody reads this except me....:)

Oh well. I had mercy on him and didn't send him a "Happy 40th Birthday" balloon (he's only 35) even though he sent me a similar balloon on my birthday insinuating that I was was the ripe old age of 30. As if!

I've gotten him a couple of little things...he doesn't know that I have and he's kind of sulking...but I haven't had a chance to wrap them yet, so I guess I'll skip working out and pick up some last minute things to go along with his gifts and wrap them up. He's cooking dinner tonight. Is it wrong for someone to cook me dinner on his birthday? Yeah, probably...but he had already pre-assembled it last night, so I just let him do it. At least it's a crock pot meal, so it's not too too much trouble.

It was a quiet weekend...which was wonderful!

I did finish up 2 books, clean the house, and rearrange the furniture a little bit. My parents came through town on their way to Branson, so they brought me an old old trunk that belonged to my grandfather and possibly his father. I'm using it as a "don't-you-dare-set-your-drink-or-feet-on-that" coffee table. I haven't had a coffee table since I lived at home, so at first it just kind of looked like a trunk sitting in the middle of the living room rather than a coffee table, but I'm adjusting and learning to like it. I think once I set some frou-frou stuff on top of it, it'll be OK. I just hope the dogs don't eat it. I caught Mercy licking it this weekend and had to get on to her. Of course once Butter saw her licking it, she ran over to make sure she wasn't missing out on any food and she got in trouble too.

Butter was bad this weekend. She stole Mercy's bone (I forgot to put it up before I let Butter in) and ran around the house trying to "bury" it in the carpet, cushions, under the pillow on my bed, etc. When I finally chased it down and took it away from her so she would go back outside like I was asking her to, she hunkered down and peed on the floor. Just a little dribble, so it's an improvement from her original "submission" issues, but all the same. The vet says she'll stop when she reaches social just a little over a year from now. If I can get that knocked out, get her "live to eat" disorder sorted out, and get her on doggy Ritalin, I think I'll make it.

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