Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Naps Should be Mandatory

I would really like to turn some of the empty cubes around me into a napping center. Wouldn't that be nice? Although I can't imagine the lechery that would occur up here if people had access to cots...

Anyway, I haven't worked all night in approximately 2 weeks! Hallelujah! I'm still very busy, but today I'm actually using my lunch hour as non-working time! That's a bit of an improvement.

My new furniture was delivered Sunday. It didn't look so HUGE in the store. Ahem. But I've (with Kelvy's help) rearranged a few things and it now all fits in the living room. I set my old couch out this morning for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters people to come pick it up as a donation. For the first time in a long time, I actually feel cozy in my house. It looks more "me" than it has in a long time, so that's cool. I bought some new lamps of which required assembly by using some Engrish instructions. "Rish of tip over 6 pounds" I like putting stuff together, though so it wasn't too hard or frustrating. Now I have a little reading area with a big comfy chair/ottoman, a blankie, and the new floor lamp that has shelves to hold books or whatever. I'm going to revamp my unfinished book wreath and try to incorporate that into the space. We'll see.

My horticulture project is going swimmingly! I have not yet killed the basil (it is currently in critical but stable condition). I have two tiny tomatoes growing already! I feel so accomplished. And I have a couple of strawberries growing on my poor pitiful strawberry plant from last year. I haven't even watered that, so it's definitely an overachieving type plant.

Last night, I did the dumbest thing. I fed Butter (she always eats first) and then put her in her crate for the night. I gave Mercy and Butter their nightly dog treats, and then I told Butter night night and went back to the other side of the house to check my email, etc. before bed. In a minute, Mercy came over to me and laid her head in my lap and looked at me with her "aren't you forgetting something?" look. I apologized profusely and went to get her her dinner. Good thing she's such a good communicator. :)

And now back to my regularly scheduled program of being a traffic director/juggler/mind reader/etc. Work awaits.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

awwwwwww sweet Mercy. poor thing.
I would have growled!

yes. naps should be.