Saturday, March 07, 2009

I Gotta Say it was a Good Day

Good days start with getting good mail.

Today I got a book box, a book ray, and the title to my car in the mail. Nothing beats free books and the knowledge that if you lose your job you at least have a car you can live in. :) Hey, you can't escape thinking about things like that in this economy.

Maybe my good mail days will continue and I will get my tax checks soon.

Today I also got to hang out with a good friend that I don't see nearly often enough. You can't beat that with a stick.

When we were out shopping today, we ran across these baby high heels. They're squishy and are obviously for babies who aren't walking yet, but have you ever seen anything so over the top? They did have some zebra print ones that were pretty cute, but I wonder if dressing a tiny baby up in animal print high heel shoes would make her look like a tiny street walker? You be the judge. $39.95, in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

Lainy said...

I get the title to my car in a few weeks, so once I lose my job at the bank, I'll have a place live too! :D