Thursday, June 21, 2007

13 Games I've Played Online (TT #20)

Thursday 13 #20: 13 Games I've Played Online This Week

It's been a very slow week, and in honor of my ability to waste people's time, here are 13 games I've played online this week. Just think, the week isn't even over!

1. (I'm on level 42!)



4. Sphere (Room Escape)

5. RGB (Room Escape)

6. Escape Culver 2 (Room Escape)...I really liked this one, but I didn't like Escape Culver 1.

7. Submachine SLF (I actually figured this one out without any help. Really easy. The whole Submachine series is fun, but most of them are super-hard.)

8. Shochu Bar (This one had great graphics, but even with the walkthrough, I couldn't get some things to work right. Maybe it was just a glitch.)

9. Escape Pink Room

10. Vipper

11. Zoo Escape (Don’t let the cool name fool you, it was kind of lame.)

12. Shinto Shrine

13. Kremen (I tried to play this one, but I couldn’t find much)

You can get the Thursday Thirteen code here.

Other Thursday Thirteen participants:


Lisa said...

I haven't played any online games in forever, perhaps it's time to start...

Lori said...

Dannnnnnnnnng, I wish I had time to play games. Of course, I probably wouldnt gam retarded unless is Galaga:)

Anonymous said...

I have never even heard of these games. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You really know your online games! If I only had the time... It's difficult enough keeping my blog going!

Scribbit said...

I'll have to check some of these out--I could do with a little down time.

Anonymous said...

U do this at work? Because I'm at home and I dont have time to play games LOL. only a few...
I'm thinking of making some Thursday Thirteen lists. Think I should start? :D