Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Here Piggy, Piggy...

The other day my sister called me to ask about a local (local to me, not her) children's consignment sale. In the meantime, she told me that my dad is building the crib for her grandkid who is due in August. I was kind of surprised because that sounds like a huge undertaking and he doesn't do a whole lot of big projects like that anymore, but I told her I thought that was cool. She said, "Yeah, it'll be a nice family heirloom....maybe even for you...someday...if you...decide...."

I thought it an appropriate time to relay a story about a young (but old enough to behave...school ageish) demon possessed boy that was in line in front of me and Hayden at McAlister's the other day. He was spinning around and swinging his arms around, and actin' a fool and then he walked over to the table that houses the straws, etc., grabbed a packet of sugar and jammed it into his eye socket. As there was no waiting herd of pigs into which to command the demon (and I didn't think a ham sandwich would do), I settled for a simple prayer of, "Lord, please no. The last thing that kid needs is sugar!"

But if he's going to make a crib, I hope he makes a sleigh crib because I think those are too cute. ;)

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