Monday, February 26, 2007

It's Baaack!

Thursday Thirteen is back. (Well, not today, obviously because it's not Thursday), but last week it was announced that the owner was shutting the site down and now it looks like someone else has bought the rights and it's back up and running.

I'm taking requests for my next Thursday Thirteen. They're harder to come up with than you might think. Of course, since I'm the only person who reads this blog, I do not really expect anyone to suggest any topics.

Such is the life of a starving blogger. (Except I'm clearly not starving)

Today is bug guy day. I have to go home at lunch to let my hero (anyone who works toward ridding the world of spiders is my hero) in. I tried to clean up the house a little this weekend, but it's not perfect. It'll just have to do. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a housekeeper come in once every week or two, but then I remember that I'd just have to clean the house before the housekeeper came. No sense creating more work for myself.

I noticed as I was cleaning that I get tons of junk mail. It's ridiculous. I'm getting good use of the new city recycling bin that was delivered to me a few days ago. I shredded junk mail for forever and I hardly made a dent in it.

If Capital One sends me one more offer with a dang magnet in it that I have to actually open before I shred, I'm going to start taping their postage paid return envelopes to bricks and sending them back to them. I hear it's an excellent way to get on a do not mail list...but you didn't hear that from me.


Roz said...

Hey, I read your blog :)

Mercy's Maid said...

You're a good friend. :)

I read yours too when you bother to post in it. (Saw the new post, btw.)

Lisa said...

I read your blog, but I can't suggest any Thursday Thirteens cause I have a hard enough time coming up with my own!

Anonymous said...

Heh... some friends and I used to switch up the credit card offers and mail them to other companies. It didn't take long to get off the list when CapitalOne was getting pre-approved card offers from Discover in their prepaid envelopes.

Anonymous said...

I still read your blog, crazy. Come on now.

Mercy's Maid said...

Aww, thanks. I do have a public!

mystic_journeyer said...

I read your blog, too. It gives me topics to bring up to random people in the elevator. I never get enough of you and your wit.

I have no Thursday Thirteen advice tho, sorry!

Oh and guess what, we got a brand new recycling thingie too. THe wind blew it down the street (and I've yet to retrieve it), but we've got one.