Wednesday, February 07, 2007

On the Importance of Using Good Judgement

1. I sent this to some of you yesterday, but it deserves to be memorialized in the blog. And don't miss page 2.

2. I understand that the chick was mentally disturbed, but why wear a diaper cross country so you don't have to take bathroom breaks when you're going to have to stop periodically to get gas? And why is she covering her face with a jacket? I guess she hasn't had a chance to surf the net and see that her picture is everywhere already.

3. Cooking naked is all fun and games until someone's special bits fall victim to a dropped pot of boiling water. It hasn't happened yet, but it's an accident waiting to happen.


Anonymous said...

omg. we talked about the diaper at lunch today! "diapers and death" was the official theme of the gathering.

Mercy's Maid said...

What a lunch theme!