Monday, February 12, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday

(except for the manic part)

Tonight is the monthly local Bookcrossing meeting. Whoo hoo! I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a new lady there + her husband, so that's good. She's actually already released some books, so maybe she will encourage everyone else to do the same. I learned yesterday that someone has been taking books out of the donation box (the box where people drop off unregistered books). Stuff like that just drives me nuts! I had to write an ugly note on the box. Just kidding. It wasn't that ugly. When I checked it yesterday, there was one book in there and a CD. Does the box say "CD donation box"? I don't think so! I'm not sure what that was all about. Anyway, I need a drop box like Blockbuster has. Or a lobotomy. Either way.

The candy at work is flowing like milk and honey. It's wonderful. It seems like as we get closer to Valentine's day, the candy just keeps getting better and better. I've doubled in size over the past week.

I've gotta cut this short today. I have some read...I mean work to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you have a good time..Im just browsing blogs tonight!