Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New Evanescence Out Today!

The new Evanescence album comes out today. Yay! I must procure a copy post-haste.

Now that the happy news is out of the way, let me vent a little bit about myspace bulletins and/or forwarded e-mails. I hate bulletins that try to emotionally or spiritually manipulate me.

1. I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit has not taken to writing myspace bulletins. I don't need someone to tell me that if I don't repost a bulletin, it means I don't love Jesus and am pretty much going to Hell. If you want to show Jesus you love him, maybe you should try something practical like feeding hungry people or volunteering somewhere. Forwarding on a myspace bulletin that will attempt to spiritually manipulate other people doesn't count as loving Jesus.

2. I don't need a myspace bulletin that tells me I don't 'have a heart' if I don't follow whatever directions are layed out for me. I'm really sorry that someone you don't know's friend's cousin's son-in-law has the bubonic plague, but sending out a thing saying I have to sign my name to it to show I'm praying for someone is just silly. First of all, it's likely not even true. People set those things up just to see if their made up bulletin can make it around. Second of all, numbering the people who sign it is completely inaccurate due to the whole "sign and forward" system. I realize that I'm really anal, but that bothers me.

3. If you receive a myspace bulletin that says something to the effect of "now that you've opened this, you have to repost it with the subject line 'cute puppies' or you will die a painful death involving clowns and bear traps", do not send it on. Take one for the team. If you love your friends, you do not want to put them in such grave peril in the event that they are unable to repost the bulletin. And by the way, I don't send them on, and none of the unfortunate incidents that have been predicted to befall me have happened, so whoever's writing those is not some gifted prophet with the ability to foretell strange and scary death scenarios.

1 comment:

jasonandjennyt said...

Oh man. I hate those too. What's even worse is when your friends are actually the ones sending them to you.