Thursday, August 03, 2006

I need yard fairies!

I finally broke down and mowed the yard yesterday. It took over an hour to do the back yard (which should only take 15 minutes)because it was so high, plus I got the mower stuck in holes a few times. Anyway, that wasn't fun, but it's done now. I should probably re-mow it this weekend just to chop up all of the dead grass I generated yesterday. And yes, the blade probably does need sharpening. How does one go about getting a lawnmower blade sharpened? Could you take care of that, dear one? The spark plug and oil also need to be changed. I can do the oil myself, but my spark plug yanking tool doesn't fit the spark plug on my mower...yes, I've tried. None of my tools fit the spark plug. I do own a new spark plug, I just have never been able to change it and probably don't remember what I've done with it. Should probably also raise the mower deck when I'm mowing such high grass, but that just screams "more work!" to me, so I never do.

Needless to say, after all that manual labor, I really deserved some ice cream. I rather enjoy the Ben & Jerry's Caramel Sutra. Kevin asked if I needed a moment alone with it last night. It's that good. Had some for breakfast this morning too...I mean...nevermind.

Congratulations to Jenny and Jason on their new baby! I can't wait to see pictures. Who is in line next, Dani or Tara? I don't think I've heard specific due dates yet. Or maybe I have and just have a short term memory problem.

The bug guy came and sprayed earlier this week. I was concerned about the effect of the pesticide on little Rexie (the lizard who lives in my flower bed), but I saw him/her yesterday when I was mowing and he/she looks fat and healthy.

Rexie came to live with me when he was kidnapped from his first home (Kevin's house) and shoved into an empty water bottle. We're hoping he'll eat some of the spiders out there. They're running rampant, even with the bug guy spraying every 3 months. It's apparent that he's been eating something, so hopefully he's helping keep the pest problem in check.

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