Friday, September 16, 2005

What to blog, what to blog?

Nothing much going on at the moment.

I've got a deadline to meet at work today, but I've passed my file on to a DBA, so I have a few minutes to relax before it's back to work.

I don't have anything big going on this weekend, that I know of. There's probably some yard mowing and house cleaning in my future, but that hardly counts!

You know what I don't understand? I love Lipton's sweet tea when it's brewed at home from one of the baggies, but the kind in the glass bottle and the kind they sell at restaurants that says Lipton is just nasty! I'm still trying to figure out what the deal is. It tastes bitter or something. I have to dilute it a lot with water and then it's still kind of nasty....but still a lot less calories than a coke, so I deal with it.

I think my few minutes to relax are up. I better set up some stuff before I get my file back if I'm going to ship today.

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