Thursday, April 28, 2005

Fun Quizzes and My Results

Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% MaleYour brain leans femaleYou think with your heart, not your headSweet and considerate, you are a giverBut you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

For a second, I read the results wrong and thought it said I have boy brain. I'm relieved to find that my brain is mostly female.

Your Score:34What does this mean? You seem to be a little spoiled. It would not hurt you to buy something for yourself, just so that you could spoil yourself. Feel proud of the fact that you got yourself where you are by mostly your own effort (even if it is a cardboard box!).
Overall, you scored as follows:
46% are more spoiled,3% are just as spoiled, and 50% are more deprived than you!

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