Friday, March 26, 2010


Happy Weekend!

It's been a fairly busy week at work, but I hope I can make it through the weekend with a minimal amount of "free" work. Things are only going to get crazier in the next couple of weeks, so I have no idea how I'm going to handle everything, but I guess I'll just take it one day at a time.

In other news, Mercy's tooth is still pink. Totally forgot to give her her meds yesterday (bad mommy!), but we're back on track today. One day this week, I saw something shiny in the back yard and went to investigate. It seems that SOMEHOW my neighbors managed to get a Bud Light can in my yard, which the dogs attempted to devour. Ooh whee! This chick was not happy. First of all, Mercy already struggles with alcoholism. Second of all, do you know how sharp a chewed up aluminum can is? Apparently they didn't swallow any of it since they're still alive and all.

In other other news, I finally broke down and took my good migraine meds today after having a whole week worth of headaches and can I just say that after being in pain for that many days straight and forgetting what normal feels like...normal feels almost euphoric. It has not been a good month for headaches around here for sure. I was really hoping that I was seeing a trend (for the better), but this is just as bad as before I started preventative meds. It's probably stress and I'm not sure anything's going to fix that right now. Headaches really put a damper on zombie killing.


Lainy said...

I hope your headaches go away! And I'm so proud of you and ur zombie apocalypse training! :D Sorry I wasn't able to join you for that tho. I hear they are making an expansion or something that ties the characters for L4D and L4D2 together. It will show how the first team got to the south and what not. I need to look that up!

Mercy's Maid said...

That would be really cool. I would like for it to have more of a story line. I like to feel like I'm making progress when I play a game. Apparently I still suck at the game b/c people keep kicking me out when I play online. I'm like, "I am SOoooo sorry that I accidentally had 45 friendly fire incidents. And then ran off and hid in the safe room when the tank came. My mistake!"

Lainy said...

Yeah I hear people can be real jerks on there :( But if it makes you feel any better, we can't make it thru without friendly fire too! lol And another thing, you have 2 reeeaally hard achivements that we have been trying and trying to get!

Mercy's Maid said...

I got "bridge over troubled slaughter" last night and I didn't even finish the campaign. A tank threw a car on top of me and my teammates went on without me. So sad, but I still got the achievement!

Which two achievements are you talking about?

Lainy said...

Yeah that's one we've been trying to get!

Mercy's Maid said...

Stay to the far far left of the bridge and just run as fast as you can. The people I was playing with said that's the fastest way across. It was really easy until the tank showed up.

Lainy said...

Ok we'll try that, thanks! Yeah, the Tank is such a pain x.x