Could yesterday's comment have come from Jim-kwon-do? (Yes, that's a play on Ron-kwon-do from Napoleon Dynamite). What a surprise! Thanks for stopping by!
Update: I'm still a sucky jogger. I couldn't make myself go last night. So I ate chips and cheese dip and salsa instead and then went to Alias (Which was really good--especially now that they've gotten hottie Michael Vaughn to come back to the CIA so we can look at him every week).
Found out yesterday that I will probably be going to NYC for a few days next month for work. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get to do something fun while I'm there. And a direct flight would be great this time too. We'll see. They've been really wishy washy about the plans. You never know what will happen until the week of.
I bought new makeup yesterday to go with my new skin color. So now I'm a brown girl with a brown face instead of a brown girl with a white face. Neat, huh? It was like pulling teeth to get anyone to help me at the Clinique counter at Belk, but I finally talked them into letting me buy something. I went over to a neighboring makeup counter and said, "Excuse me, do you just work at this counter, or do you work at the other ones too?" and she said, "No, I just work here, but there's somebody over there!" and didn't even look up at me. Well, no, nobody was over there or I wouldn't have traveled to another counter to ask a question. But 10 minutes later when she realized there were 3 customers at that counter and no sales people, she found someone.
I guess if I want to maintain this skin color, I need to actually get off my ever-whitening butt and go to the tanning bed. I've gotten really lazy about it. Much like my jogging laziness and all the other laziness I exude.
yes i'twas dudette
however, i've not seen napoleon dynamite, and have no intentions of it - i know, i know, everyone raves about it, butt (or ass)...
i truly believe i saw everything i needed to in the trailers, and that was too much & too often IMHO
There are no negative Napoleon Dynamite comments allowed in my blog! Didn't you get the memo?
It's the type of movie that gets funnier every time you see it. Mostly so you can interject quotes from the movie into your everyday life. For instance, "Do you think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face when I'm wearing these bad boys? FORGET ABOUT IT!" is an excellent quote that even you could employ.
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