Wednesday, March 01, 2006

About Usher...

I respect Usher for his obvious musical abilities, but he really irritates me.

I have his Confessions CD which has lots of good songs on it, but that one song..."That's What it's Made For" ticks me off. He seems to be advocating irresponsible + promiscuous behavior as something that's A-OK. Seeing as how a lot of young people probably look up to him, I think he has probably undermined a lot of the work that other celebrities have done to try to encourage responsible behavior.

Then there's that one song where he tells his girlfriend that he "loves" that he skeezed on some other girl that he barely knows and knocked her up, but he hopes that his girlfriend will accept that he was "man enough" to come clean with her--as if he really had a choice--and give him another chance. Is he freakin' insane? He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up castrated before it's all over with. You know all the money he should have been spending on the girlfriend is going to go toward the other chick's child support now! She'll be none to pleased about that.

For his sake, I hope none of it is based on a true story.

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