Monday, February 20, 2006

And They're (not) Off!

I hope I am among the first to wish you a happy president's day. We were supposed to celebrate (at work) by taking the day off to go to the horse races. I was really looking forward to it. After all, I won over $2 last year.

Alas, horsies can't run in inclement weather, so they've had to call it off. I decided to take the day off work and drown my sorrows in cold, leftover cheesesticks from Papa John's. They're wonderful for breakfast. Must jog this afternoon.

Anyway, I started extreme home makeover yesterday. Which just means that I started cleaning my filthy house. You have no idea how much junk mail I bring in. It's unbelievable. Makes me want to change my last name to Bastardo or something so I'll fail the profanity filter and they won't send me anything.

Butter has had some major breakthroughs this weekend. She has not pottied in the house one time. Of course, I had to ask her to go outside every 30 minutes (and that dog will GO every 30 minutes. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. It's like she saves it up because she knows she can get more treats if she doesn't do it all at once). This morning she woke up at 5am. I would usually be kind of upset about that, but she has spent so much time in her crate this weekend that I didn't blame her for wanting out. I let her out of her crate and she walked right over to the door and rang the bell. I've never even shown her how to use the bell. I guess she just really had to go. I was a proud mommy. I also tried to show her how to sit last night, but she kind of thought that was a stupid trick. We'll see if I can get her to change her mind today.

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